Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Rednesday With Ooooooodles of My Sweet Girlfriends

Cherry World 1

Do check out Sue @ Its a Very Cherry World and join in on the Ooooooodles fun!!!
I LOVE that word lately :0)

This is our Glowing Tree taken from our front window,,,it just seems to glow at certain times of the day.. I am Amazed by the beauty God shows us through the seasons.. Autumn is my favorite time of year... It is stunningly breathtaking..
Like my Savior~~~

This image above just seemed to jump out at me that I had to use it!!!

To all of yoy very knowledgeable Women of Gods word ,,the topic came up at our home just the other night because of a show on the history channel I believe and it was called "Lost Gospels" ,,, Kent was watching it and it did leave me a bit unsettled.. Our walk with God is awesome and yet this show stirred up,, in my hubb's,,, a few questions like,, are there really 4 missing books of the Bible??? And why did these supposed scholars leave them out??? And well Girlfriends what am I to do or say to him when he wonders if we are even usuing the right Bible???
Well, he had had the show recorded and without watching it further he (woooohoooo)
deleted it.. But the questions he has reamins,,,are there missing books and why did they keep them from everyone.. I have prayed and prayed and requested prayers from Lisa and PJ who were/are sooo sweet to have sent up prayers on our behalf again.. See Sweet friends,, I soooo do NOT want Kent confused...
I do hope it is OK with all of you to raise this question.. And I do know that the Di Vinci code stirred up many a few years ago,,, but he didn't even get into that..
This is just another instance of us coming together in prayer for each other in our daily walk with The King of Kings ,,,LORD Most High...

The song comes to mind~~~I need You Jesus come to my rescue,,,where else can I go,,
theres no other nname by which I am saved,,,capture me with Grace,,,
I will follow You....

Red Roses for a blue lady~~~ ;0)

Now for this photo I found by way of google,,,I simply must be honest~~~I soooo LOVE Red Roses,,,aren't they gorgeous Friends...
Right Hun,,,, ((HINT HINT~~~ if your reading this that is)),,,they are just beautiful!!!
They do remind me of the dozen you ordered a couple years back online for our anniversary... Remember Hun ??? The ones that wilted because the delivery truck
brought them the day after our Anniversary :0) Something about the roads being bad and there shift ending???? We were confused also :0)
Kent had wanted so much to surprise me them too.. He is just soooo cute I have to tease him about it once in a while..Love You Hun,,,You are the Best!!!((Needless to say He has NOT ordered online/FedEx again)).

In search of all things RED the memory of Minnie in her fabulous polka~dot red dress came to mind...How Fun is this...

Enjoying the fun with you and sending well wishes for all my Sweet Girlfriends too~~~
Have A Berry Delightful Day Ladies!!!

Hugggggggggggs~~~ Dena

"May Gods Angels Keep Watch Over You,,, Blessing You In All That You Do"

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Greetings On This BLUE Monday!!!

Joining Sally @ Smiling Sally again for a fun filled day of spreading Smiles and
friendship too on this Blue Monday path.

And this post is brought to you by us Dream Doodlers and the always present Everlasting Lord of Heaven and Earth..
Sometimes we just need to step back take a breath and RECHARGE with God....

And Live Happily Everafter with Him while enjoying all the blessings in life that He has given...

Like my Awesome Hubb's and his screams at the Hawkeye games.. Good and bad ;0)

Wishing you all Sweet Girlfriends,,,, Gods Blessings in your BLUE Monday !!!
Love and Hugggggggggs Dena and The Mr.

Friday, August 27, 2010

PINK Saturday and Miracles

Hello and Blessings on this Super Special PINK Saturday Sweet Friends!!!
Thank YOU Bev @ "How Sweet The Sound for sharing with us in the LOVE of PINK

And of course for helping us be aware of Colette and share in her excitement with her Marvelous Makeover Miracle!!!

The choices I have felt like sharing with all of you my New Girlfriends are a few pics that Kent and I were blessed with taking during one of our travels this spring..
There is a hint of PINK in one of them but MAINLY,, I sooo want to somehow express with you the Amazing Miracle I saw after snapping these,,Kent and I were and still are in Awes of God and His Miracles,,,big or small..I have more of these photos of the progression but these are the best of the image of our Sweet Jesus and His many many miracles..
So here goes~~~

The Beginning of a Iowa Storm and we are always watchful of the skies as we travel..
Especially me,,Kent does the driving,,Thank YOU Lord!!!

And I will ever Praise You Lord!!!!

You Lord Jesus are the air I breathe...

And~~~On August 28th 1998 My Billy was born,,,all 3 pounds of him,,and my last baby..
A Preemie~~~He was exactly 2 months early...Praise God for him for my wonderful doctor
he delivered him at UNMC in Omaha.. Billy stayed in the NICU there for 2 total months
to grow and mature with wires and plugs and special meds and formula. His other brothers and sister,,Grandma and Mommy (me) naturally went to visit him daily ..I had to have a c~section with him,,and all that was not in my regular routine to give birth... But ya know,,doctors orders... And Billy was suppose to be one who would LOVE PINK too...We tease him of that now,,,my Doc 2 days prior at my check up day when all showed up a OK ((( not knowing 2 days later outta No Where Billy would be)))told me and my daughter,,it was a she...
Low and behold God had different plans and Billy arrived...And he ((sorry Bev )) hates PINK ...But in the celebration of Miracles I just had to show my Billy again..

He is sooooooooo Billy and that would take a whole post in itself to share about..
Kent is the only Dad Billy or any of my boys have ever known.. But you know what,,,I Praise God for the too,, it is yet another Miracle of Our Sweet Lords...

Thanks for reading all of this Sweet Friends..
I LOVE ya~~~
May God Bless you as You follow Him this Beautiful PINK Saturday!!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Could You Sweet Friends~~~Spare A Prayer ~~~

For the last few nights I have woke up between 5 and 6:30 freezing and somewhat feverish to begin and then as it progresses, Kent is still asleep and while trying to move I grow even colder and shake violently,,uncontrollably,,,
it is frightening!!!
As I try to breathe and NOT get panicky it gets worse.. I do try to kick the enemy out and ask Jesus to hold me tightly and get me through and He does..
Praising Him for that... I am burning up before it is over... It has happened 3 nights in a row and 2 of those nights I have woke my Hubb's up and this whole ordeal takes 30 minutes or so...We just don't get it.. He thinks it is the way I eat now,,or the lack of or was it bad eggs ??? I have them for protein and there was the EGG SCARE all over the news and I eat an egg each day( I do not eat meat or peanut butter for protein I eat eggs.. Of course we now by egg lands best but I have not prepared any of late... We just don't know if I got a bug from somewhere as the boys and grand kids have NOT had any illness to share with us recently..
And without health insurance well, I can't just go to our doctor just anytime... Like I said,,I pray through it,,, sometimes the words don't get out right because I am shaking soooo much and,,, of course,,, if Kent does wake up he prays with me too
but now,,, as the night approaches I become more concerned you know the old worry bug strikes and I am affraid of "Will it happen again tonight"???
So I ask for a prayer or two from my wonderful Sisters in Christ,,,it is 8:49 right now and dark.. I sooooo know there are many many more people that need prayers too
and for much more serious issues.. And I will HapPiLy send up prayers for anyone that asks.. There is Much POWER through Prayer,,,this I steadfastly Believe !!!
In case you wonder ,,,I do feel a bit of a fever during the day too,,and Kent is telling me to at least eat more yogurt (which I LOVE ) and I just do not see how it
is from my diet,,I have been on it for 6 months now and I'm certainly NOT starving..
Its just a new way of eating now. No chips no fat no salad dressing,,I DO Love salads Girlfriends..I am feeling a tad over warm even now...So I will quit the Jabbering and say Praise God because He is Always Great and Always Knowing ,,,and soooo gets me!!! Thanks with all my heart for reading this..There are more pics below this...
I Love You You Awesome Sisters in Christ~~~ Gods Blessings To All and Hugs from me to You~~~Dena

This was taken Monday at noon when we went to pick up Cassie our grand daughter at her 1st day of pre~school,,,About the pic,,not real sure why Kent had me pose with her for it,,,BUT,,,I was happy to,,naturally...
The teacher told us that Cassie was very brave and wrapped up her "Baby",,,
thats its real name too Girlfriends,,
anyhoo's she tucked her in a blankie and placed "Baby" in a cubby spot for the entire class time.... See,,, Cassie rarely gives up "Baby" or blankie :0)

Ok,,since I have already told you Sweet Friends that Jacob and Tommy are in high school football,,I figured it was about time I included a few pics of the scrimmage
they has here last Friday... This is Jacob our 17 yr old( and also the one who has the girls wanting to talk to him) wait a minute~~~
"I thought we had said No girls til you're 30"!!! Kind of ;0) teasing of course..
I could take time to tell you of a girl he so sweetly ((and that's not him at all)
asked if he could have over...She was a cutie and WOW were Kent and I shocked at what movies the parents let them rent now days!!! I mean NO it was NOT Nudity but come on,,,the LORDS name was used as a cuss word 11 times and the F word was at least a hundred no exaggeration,,, we looked it up at our christian reviews online...maybe we are prudish but,,,I am very proud if we are :0) And Praising God for it I will add!!!
So we told Jacob "No More unless we approve of the movie way ahead of time" if you want to do this again... Are ya with me Girlfriends??? We had thought they were going to play the Wii and Billy and Tommy were with them in the game room downstairs..

And this is Tommy the #73 I hope you can see,,, our 15 yr old,,, defensive lineman we are very proud of both of them and we pray every night (( Sweet Mimi @ He and Me+3 thats means you too)) for the safety of kids all over who are in sports or are alone~~~ But,,, Tommy now,,, he prefers to stay OUT of trouble,,but YES we have caught him in a few situations with,,,guess who~~~Jacob :0)
I am the 1st to admit we are FAR from perfect and YES the boys need to be captured by the Holy Spirit...Which is why we are sooo walking with God```Kent and I were captured by the Holy Spirit,,,and our lives have been spent following Him in everyway,,,ever since... Thank YOU Jesus!!!

This Lil Squirrel was eating the snacks we put out and uses our deck flike a jungle gym,,,so it really look hilarious when it plopped down for a rest out of no where

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Phil. 4:6-7)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Blue Monday,,Make it Happy!!!

Hello Sally and Everyone,,have a Blessed Day !!!

Our boys,,,Jacob and Tommy in there football jerseys for HS last Friday,,,look Jacob has on his BLUE Jeans...They are sooo handsome and we are sooo proud. Now pray they have no serious injuries,,,please...

Here is our youngest with Dad at the lockers at his new school the day before it started,,just for practice.. He has the How to work the combination thing better now :0) They are in BLUE honest!!! And besides that,,Kent is holding our BLUE and white umbrella because we had rain the entire day..

Here is our grand daughter Cassie in the pool last BLUE Monday....She is in her Bliss state of mind each time she gets to get in our pool...It is sooo sweet!!!

And here is Griffin our grandson too with Billy..

We in our home are praising God for our health and our LOVE..
We also excepted the part of Sunday School Teachers at our Church today,,,beginning next Sunday.. Scary ,, kind of.. Prayers would be a BLESSING for sure :0)

Now all of you go on and have a Blessed BLUE Monday ...
Love You All Ooooooooooodles~~~Dena

"He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed". Proverbs 11:25

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Blessed and Praising Him

Praising Him for His Word and for the Amazing Fact That He Does Hold the Whole World In His Hands~~~ Praise God from who all blessings flow,,Praise Father,, Son and Holy Ghost~~~Amen and Amen

"I pray that out of His glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge - that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." ~Ephesians 3:16-19

May you Know Gods LOVE on this Awesome Spiritual Sunday and evryday that follows~~~ Thank You soooo much Charlotte and for all of you for stopping by today :0)
Gods Blessings to you and Big Hugs from me too"

Friday, August 20, 2010

Happily PINK Saturday # 2 ~Here At Dream Doodlers Blog

Its exciting for me to be joining Beverly again at How Sweet The Sound !!!
Thanks for being a Great Hostess and linking with me and all the other wonderful ladies joining in the FUN :0)
Here goes~~~

This is a photo of an incoming Iowa Storm this Spring,,,
will it fit in for a hint of PINK everyone ???
I sooo LOVE to watch the skies as we travel,, to witness Gods Marvelous display
and His decor as we are driving along the highway...Its Glorious!!!
Its a Blessing that Kent loves to do the driving too. Or we'd be in some near accidents as I'm always trying to take pictures ;0)

This is a design I did for a new "Get Well" card that we have in the display racks in the stores now..Perhaps it should have been used as a "Birthday" design instead though,,, what do you think???
Its so hard to know what people will enjoy..

Here is a wee Lil angel that sits in our living room on a plant stand my Daddy made only a year before he died in 1984...I cherish it and it stands there in our front window unless the Christmas tree is there in December..

So that is it for this Beautiful PINK Saturday Sweet Friends,,,I sooo enjoy your notes and being part of this day,,making new friends along the way..
Gods Blessings on you and Big Hugggggggggggs too~~~Dena

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Greetings On My First Rednesday !!!

Cherry World 1

I'm joining in the RED this Wednesday at Sue Loves Cherries Today!!!
Thanks for Hosting this fun day Sue,,,for sharing with all of us..

Sissi on her favorite chair ,,,when she gets the tiniest bit damp she runs and jumps onto it and just goes wacky!!! Its kind of hilarious ...

This is a photo of our front tree last Autumn,,,it is so Glorious how God Amazes us with His Awesome Decor everyday!!! I truly LOVE this time of year.
Soon God will be transforming the trees this way again for all our eyes to see.

Thanks for letting me share these pics with all of you and do stop by again ..
I am Blessed by the friendships God has given me from this wonderful blogging world,,,October will be mt year blogiversary and it has been a joy!!!

One of our 5x7 greeting cards~~~Angel Angie~~~ I was blessed to do this one for "Angels for Hope" an online special place that sends out cards and crocheted Angels to those with cancer.. Hope its OK that I mentioned them,,they have no idea that I was going to... It was simply a joy to create these cards and this little angel had a story about why God helped me create her.
I wonder if Cindy at AFH ever used them all last season ;0)

"Wishing you a very Red and Blessed day with Gods love brightening your way"!!!

Big Iowa Huggggggggs Dena

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hello My Sweet Friends,,I Have Another Question

This one is~~~Here goes~~~ after getting home from Church toady,,Kent and I had so much to do around the house, so I put in our music that we usuallty have with us on our travels. It brought about in me sooo much emotion and I sooo felt the Holy Spirit and sat here and began typing my heart out about ,,I guess it was my testimony.
Some of how I arrived at where I am in my walk with Christ and in Kent annd my marriage... My question for you then is.. Firstly,,its long and I have added some pics to it ,,but should I do it in parts???
Like part 1,, 2 and so on or just lay it all out???
Maybe it shouldn't even be on a post at all,, should it be on a different page of my blog??? Its kind of airing my dirty laundry so to speak and most importantly,, sharing my heart about Jesus Our Sweet Lord and Savior.
How life is empty without Him and decisions are made better with Him at the center
of all of them before they are made.

I Soooo LOVE You Girlfriends,,,AND I thank you for being my friends through all my questions..

Friday, August 13, 2010

Its PINK Saturday,,Its My 1st Time To Join In For The Fun!!!

Do stop by "How Sweet The Sound" and join in the FUN!!!
It is soooo exciting for me,,,I have wanted to for a very long time but we were always gone or something..Thanks so MUCH Beverly for your help on the
HOW to's!!!

A Bright PINK Rose from our rose garden ,,,we only have 2 rose bushes and they are both a variety of PINK...
They were here when we bought the house years ago.
I had no idea they would live so many years. A Gardener I am NOT..
Since this is my first time DO let me know if I have done alright... I am doing this to hopefully get to know others,,it is soooo inspiring and I have not had my year anniversary in Blogland yet..But I have been Blessed to get to know sooo many
Wonderful women so far..Its been such a JOY and I consider it a true Blessing and Gift from Our Sweet Lord that He has brought me into this blog~o~sphere

This is our Beautiful Granddaughter "Cassie" she LOVES PINK too Beverly and she also LOVES dresses.. This one she is wearing is one of my favorites ..I had PINK Saturday in mind when I took her picture that day :0)
See just behind her there is another PINK flower,,of course it is NOT real ;0)

And last but not least is our Sweet Sissi,,,see her PINK collar...??? About 6 years ago God Blessed me with my Amazing Hubb's,,Kent and by that stage in our lives we were DONE having babies ( although I'd have loved it but had been fixed years before ;0) Well we just knew more kids were NOT going to happen and I didn't think God saw me as the awesome Mary,, I would not be able to conceive.. And since I had 5 kids from my 1st husband ( who had passed away 15 years ago now) well, Sissi was
our newly born Lil Girl that God soooo Blessed Kent and I with...Silly huh,,,except
she is another Gift from God to us...A real Joy too.

So there you have it for this PINK Saturday Girlfriends,,,or I hope you will be..
Thanks for reading this and HELLO to all my Sweet friends I have already made here in Blog land...I soooo Cherish You !!!

"Let us spur one another on towards love and good deeds". Hebrews 10:24

Sunday, August 8, 2010

HAPPY BLUE Monday To Everyone!!!

Greetings Sweet Friends~~~~Click on over to visit Sally at Smiling Sally for another~~~ Super BLUE Monday join in the FUN

This was taken on one of our travels through Iowa,,,one of the States
"Wind Project Areas" they have sure been popping up all over the state !!!
To think that years ago as I child just visiting my Gpas here ((we'd come out from California)),, there was just CORN and Beans growing EVERYWHERE and,,, who'd of thought of these huge things back then.. I imagine someone was even then...

Now its not as common to see an old fashioned farmish windmill even around here, especially one that is still being used...Kind of sad I think...

"Barbie Bear" and her friends "Just Thinking of You"

And I will also take this time to introduce "Barbie Bear" she is now a 5x7 greeting card that we are Happily adding to the bunch that Kent and I are delivering all over Iowa and some in IL. and MN too. One of the new Autumn choices God is guiding my hand at creating..Thank You Jesus~~~ She also comes with a verse and colorful envelope...
She has been named like many of my new (this year ) designs,, after a Sweet Friend from Blog~o~sphere...
It has been a PLEASURE to name each new design after one of You!!!
Who will be next??????? :0)
Barbie Bear has the name of a Sweet New Friend I have in Barbie over at " My Freshly Brewed Life" she too has a Wonderful Blog..

Then of course I could not do a post with out speaking Of the LORD or of my Hubb's and boys. They are doing fine and ;0) are NOT anxious for school..Although
come to think of it,,they have to have school to do the FOOTBALL thing they soooo love. Wonder how many doctor visits they will need????
Of course we are praying NONE :0)

And to my Beautiful Girlfriends~~~Sisters in Blog~o~sphere
of which I cherish sooooooo...Sisters in the Lord sharing in His Holy Spirit~~~
Thanks for the wonderful friendship you have all shared with me~~~

And then there is THANKFULNESS and BLESSINGS,,,this just felt like an Awesome way to share Gods work in a photo of the corn fields and BLUE skies here in Iowa..
It is just a touch of my Sweet Saviors DECOR...What a BLESSING Kent and I are soooo very THANKFUL~~~

Blessings and Hugs ((())) Dena