Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hello and Welcome to The DD Blog!

We just got the blog up, come on in and say hi and how are you doing?
I put so much on the profile section I didn't know if I should go on
but here I am still, just to ramble on to any and all who will read :).
My hope is to post the new designs I'm working on and to simply share in everyday happenings and goings on,are those words? Anyway please do share with me too, we are to encourage each other on Gods path, to inspire and create with the gifts He's given all of us.
Hopefully this will all get figured out and there will be weekly postings of new designs and such
so do return often.
Its such a blessing to have you interested in our designs and to share with others a talent God has so graciously given me, to perhaps touch the life of another somehow along this journey and to help show them Gods grace and His Holy Spirit working in the lives of those who truly follow Him.
So please do drop (or type :) me a line or 2 (or more :) it will be interesting and inspiring and fun to hear from you! Thanks so much for stopping by and saying Hi !
Don't for get to check out our website if you have'nt yet
Hugs Dena


  1. Your first post!! Exciting! You will meet some wonderful people, sharing their journey as well. I came her via "Create by Faith"



  2. So lovely to hear from you. Sorry it has taken me a while to return your lovely message.
    This blog is so nice already, it is going to be an honor for me to visit you here.
    Keep posting, love to read your posts.
    I ask for forgiveness in front, just incase it take me a while again,lol!
    It is always beautiful to be here!


~~~Thanks so very much for sharing with me you're Lovely Thoughts~~~
From the rising of the sun to its setting let the name of the LORD be praised~~~Psalm 113:3