Friday, May 6, 2011

Do stop by Beverly and have some fun and make some friends @ How Sweet The Sound for this weeks Beautiful PINK MOTHERs DAY Saturday!!!


And Ooooodles of Prayers from my heart to YOU~~~Dena

JUST A PS Note::: In case you are not able to see the PRAYER
for Mothers Day I tried to add to the photo above, it reads as follows~~~

Lord Jesus;
May You Bless All the Mothers with the grace they need each day.
May You help them to feel Precious in Your eyes everyday and to know that they are loved by You.
May You also give them strength, courage, compassion and peace.
Blessing them all this day and all the days of their lives with Your Awesome and Mighty love.
Amen and Amen


  1. That was so sweet Dena. Love the little pink ballet slippers. My dil, DJ, is enjoying writing on my blog and I'm enjoying not writing on Mother's Day

  2. A very nice mother's day greeting. Wishing you the best on this special day.

  3. Love this image - super sweet. God Bless you today in a special way.

  4. Happy Mother's Day, Sweet Dena!

    God bless,

    Kathy M.

  5. Enjoyed visiting your blog, Dena....such wonderful thoughts and prayers!
    Happy Mother's Day!

  6. Oh I love your post! So sweet.;) Blessings, DE

  7. Love the little girl on Mommy's shoes. So sweet. Happy Pink Sat.

  8. What a sweet post! Hope you had a great day!


~~~Thanks so very much for sharing with me you're Lovely Thoughts~~~
From the rising of the sun to its setting let the name of the LORD be praised~~~Psalm 113:3