Thank YOU Bev @ "How Sweet The Sound for sharing with us in the LOVE of PINK

And of course for helping us be aware of Colette and share in her excitement with her Marvelous Makeover Miracle!!!
The choices I have felt like sharing with all of you my New Girlfriends are a few pics that Kent and I were blessed with taking during one of our travels this spring..
There is a hint of PINK in one of them but MAINLY,, I sooo want to somehow express with you the Amazing Miracle I saw after snapping these,,Kent and I were and still are in Awes of God and His Miracles,,,big or small..I have more of these photos of the progression but these are the best of the image of our Sweet Jesus and His many many miracles..
So here goes~~~
The Beginning of a Iowa Storm and we are always watchful of the skies as we travel..
Especially me,,Kent does the driving,,Thank YOU Lord!!!
And I will ever Praise You Lord!!!!
You Lord Jesus are the air I breathe...
And~~~On August 28th 1998 My Billy was born,,,all 3 pounds of him,,and my last baby..
A Preemie~~~He was exactly 2 months early...Praise God for him for my wonderful doctor
he delivered him at UNMC in Omaha.. Billy stayed in the NICU there for 2 total months
to grow and mature with wires and plugs and special meds and formula. His other brothers and sister,,Grandma and Mommy (me) naturally went to visit him daily ..I had to have a c~section with him,,and all that was not in my regular routine to give birth... But ya know,,doctors orders... And Billy was suppose to be one who would LOVE PINK too...We tease him of that now,,,my Doc 2 days prior at my check up day when all showed up a OK ((( not knowing 2 days later outta No Where Billy would be)))told me and my daughter,,it was a she...
Low and behold God had different plans and Billy arrived...And he ((sorry Bev )) hates PINK ...But in the celebration of Miracles I just had to show my Billy again..
He is sooooooooo Billy and that would take a whole post in itself to share about..
Kent is the only Dad Billy or any of my boys have ever known.. But you know what,,,I Praise God for the too,, it is yet another Miracle of Our Sweet Lords...

Thanks for reading all of this Sweet Friends..
I LOVE ya~~~
May God Bless you as You follow Him this Beautiful PINK Saturday!!!
What a precious post! I love Billy!
ReplyDeleteThe sky is an obsession of mine. I see heaven all the time. Your photos are magnificent.
Thank-you for being on the "Miracles" team! Colette and I appreciate you.
The skies are beautiful, Dena! Storms are so amazing to watch. God's hand is everywhere and all the time!
ReplyDeleteYour birthday tribute to Billy is just wonderful!! My youngest child also had a difficult time when he was younger...he is the sweetest little man now! I thank God for his life.
Have a wonderful weekend, Dena.
The Tattered Tassel
I love the cross in the clouds! That is awesome!
ReplyDeleteLove the story about Billy and Kent.
Blessings- Tete
Lovely post...
ReplyDeleteJoy & Blessings,
The photos are awesome! And thanks for sharing about your son. Praise God!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your miracles with us. The photos are wonderful.
Beautiful miracle post!
ReplyDeleteWonderful post!
ReplyDeleteNow I hope you see the angel in the first picture of the sky. If you don't let me know and I will show it to you :-)
Billy is cute. Not surprised he doesn't like pink! LOL
beautiful photos and Billy...only 3 lbs???? He's grown up a whole lot. ☺ He looks like a great kid.
ReplyDeleteWOW! This pictures took my breath away. They are so beautiful. What a true blessings that your son is healthy.
ReplyDeleteGod Blessing,
Oh Sweetie...
ReplyDeleteGood Morning and what a beautiful post you have shared today. I love Billy. He is just the cutest thing. I see he has a blue ribbon. How exciting. We have a little grand daughter that was born a preemie. She weighed 2 lbs and 3 ounces when she was born. She just started Kindergarten 4 weeks ago. She is one of the (8) lights in our lives. A special blessing these wee ones are.
The sky pics are outstanding. I love to search the skies for messages as I believe God leaves several there a day if we but only look for them.
Please stop by Country Wings in Phoenix (my blog) and leave a comment this weekend. Guideposts magazine is donating a dollar for every comment left during the miracle weekend. I would so love to get enough donations for several miracle makeovers to happen. I know they are out there just waiting to be discovered.
Many hugs sweet friend...Sherry
Hey Gal! Beautiful post as always! Too bad you don't live a little closer, (like next door!) LOL! I could use some photography lessons! LOL! That is why I use very few photos of my own, unless we go on a trip or vacation.
ReplyDeleteI sure could use some lessons though. We have planned to go to Costa Rico in January, (money permitting) and then Alaska in June (also money permitting) That is if no unforseeable obstacle for saving gets in our way. I sure would like to be able to take some beautiful pictures while we're gone. I am a self-proclaimed LOUSY picture taker. I won't even dignify myself by saying photographer for fear of insulting that profession. Haha! Hope all is well with you today. Love ya bunches!
God Bless!
WHOA!!!! That looks like a cross in the sky. So awesome are the photos. Your Son is a true miracle.