Sunday, January 30, 2011

Happily Sharing Some Blue With All Of You!!!

God was decorating with Rainbows through the blowing crystals of snow just the other day, while we were on  a
business trip,,  it was so~~~Glorious

Hello Sally and Everyone,,enjoy a Blessed Day !!!

      Stop by Smiling Sally 's place to and share in the FUN !!!

Here's one just for Sally. Super~Hubb's took this for you Sweet Sis Sally, it was on a different trip to deliver our cards last summer.. Hahahaha, I just came across it again.
Isn't he a cutie!!!

And here is Super~Hubb's again designing a displaty rack at one of our stores where the manager won't allow cardborad displays.   So here is Kent making one for the Boss there.
Praising God that we even have the store to sell from at all, ya know !!!
We're going out again this mid week to check on the stores in the western area of Iowa that  sell our cards.. Praying we keep all the rest of our retailers.
Giving the worries to God of course.

Here is the finished display, set up and filled again with the cards.

And here we are Happily ever after :0)
Its not a very pretty photo but you get the idea..
And why we Praise the LORD for our own Lil' biusiness and for our safe travels.
Super~Hubb's has figured we did aproximately 20 to 30 THOUSAND miles in our travels last year.
 Home again, home again, jiggity jig..
Did I spell that OK???

Dear Lord Jesus,Creator of heaven and earth. Help us to be kind to each other and in so doing, may that kindness continue to grow and reach out to everyone that we may be blessed to know...
In Your name I pray,,,Amen ..
Thanks again Sweet Sisters for simply being YOU...
Love and Hugs Dena


  1. Dena, I just asked the Lord to bless you in your business, and I'm trusting that He will do just that. Enjoyed seeing your card display, and that is a sweet pic of you and your DH. Hope you all are successful in not only keeping the card business you have, but in bringing in more accounts! Then I travel again tomorrow.

    Happy Blue Monday to you, too.


    Sheila :-)

    P.S. The birthday party went well, and the birthday girl was touched that so many of her friends and family members could be there to celebrate. The cutest part was when her one and a half year old said, "Happy Bufday, Mimi!" She couldn't say birthday, but she came close. It was SO cute.

  2. Somehow, that sentence about me traveling jumped up out of my PS. Not sure how that happened. LOL! Don't want you to think, "What is going on with HER?" ;-)

  3. Thank your husband for me; what a sweet guy.

    I love that gorgeous card display! You are a talented wonder.

    Happy Blue Monday, Dena!

  4. Good luck on your store. Love the card display too.

    My Blue Monday.

  5. Loved all the blues today Dena but you know my favorite was the gorilla in boxer back later today to place an order. Everyone who has received them loves the cards.

  6. is that an aurora?

    you are such a sweet couple. may you have more travels together. and, good luck on the card business.

  7. Loved all the blues today, especially the first picture of the rainbow.

  8. Enjoyed this post Dena, and the pics too! And all I can say is "Amen" to your beautiful prayer! Miss you! Hugs!!

  9. Beautiful rainbow. Love the card display, it looks wonderful. Have a wonderful week.

  10. That rainbow picture is amazing! Love seeing the picture of your display in stores!

  11. Hi Dena,
    My prayer for You and Kent is safe travels and that your business is just bursting at the seams with sales!
    Love ya lots.:o)
    The Tattered Tassel


~~~Thanks so very much for sharing with me you're Lovely Thoughts~~~
From the rising of the sun to its setting let the name of the LORD be praised~~~Psalm 113:3