Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Oh My Goodness~~~Its Rednesday Already Ladies!!!

Cherry World 1

Thanks so much Sweet Sue for sharing your day with us!!!
Stop by Sue's REDNESDAY blog post and join in for the FUN of all things RED

Here is one of our newest designs for this next business trip,, these will be put in the stores we set up in the Northwest area of Iowa,, yes a long drive it is for us tomorrow,, leaving in the wee hours,, when the worms get up that is..
We named the couple after our Pastor and his Wife~~~ "Connie and Dave"
WOW,, hope they won't mind, btw, they have been in Wedded Bliss for 32 years now :0)

This is just one of the neat places to stop in and see at Disneyland's Main St. USA~~
While planning my RED day,, I'm usually lost in our personal pics and finding others on the web.. In doing this I remembered all the pics we have of our Disneyland/Cali trip back home last summer..
Here is one Super~Hubb's and my MOST favorite places to be for vacations in the summer.. That and the Ocean too :0)
None of us were in the pic,, we are up seating at the top of the double decker bus
that runs down the street. What a treat to save up and go again.. It will take a few years, as even this wish is all in God's timing :0)

And this Lil girl was so Sweet to see all dressed up like Minnie Mouse for her day at Disneyland.. We had no idea who she was but it was a wonderful moment for here..
It makes me wonder why didn't Super~hubb's wait til the Lil girl turned around???
The gentleman here in the RED vest was ushering us to pose with Minnie after the Lil girl had her picture taken..

If you're wondering,,yes ,, we did get one with Minnie too but,, it will have to wait for another REDnesday :0)

"Sweet Friends~~~ You mean so much to me,, not for "What " you say but for the time you took from your day to stop by and say it"
From my heart ~~~~Hugs Dena

"My soul doth magnify the LORD" Luke 1:46

Sunday, September 26, 2010

From Me To You,, Sharing Things That Are BLUE~~~

Another BLUE Monday over at Smiling Sally ~~~Stop by and join in on the FUN!!!

Here's an Awesome start to my BLUE Monday~~~ I'd been looking through images for my otther blog where I post pictures of Christ and writings to go along with them.
So when I found this naturally,,, I thought of BLUE Monday and Sweet Sally..

The other day my Beautiful daughter Jenny and her husband Brian arrived to pick up the grandkids,, Cassie and Griffin so when I asked if they'd take time for a quick pic for my blog,, well,, they immedately posed for Mom here.. Thanks my Sweet Lil Girl,, my only girl out of 5 boys ( one is with Jesus waiting for his mommy )..

And why not add one in of Super~Hubb's and I at one of the boys Football games,, see up there,, there is a bit of BLUE in the sky..
It seems to me they lost this game too....I believe God is traing them up for next year,, as this is only there first in High School.. It jsut breaks a Mom's heart to watch them get all beat up and dirty too, and then lose in the process..
And THANKS Mimz @ He& Me + 3 for your loving advice the other day..You're a GEM,,you helped my day sparkle!!!

Thanks to all of you for coming by soooo often...
Just a note~~~ I will be celebrating my Blogiversary in early October
and I'm taking suggestions for the giveaway since this is my first~~~HELP!!!

Prayerfully a dozen of our hand~designed greeting cards boxed,, will be sufficent,, some of them even have glitters ???????

There is also this beautiful image,, I'm not sure who the artist was that created it,, I soooo admire the artist though..
I found it on google and thought it was lovely,, the Lil poem too,, its fits from me to YOU Sweet Friends~~~Sisters in Christ..

Thanks for visiting today..

Hugs Dena
May God bless You along your way as you look to Him~~~Amen

Friday, September 24, 2010

Sharing Happiness With My PINK Saturday Friends~~~

Do stop by Beverly and have some fun and make some friends @ How Sweet The Sound
for this weeks Beautiful PINK Saturday!!!

First things first~~~ You are all such Sweet Friends I just know Our Father in Heaven sends you my way because you are all soooooo HEAVENLY !!!

Isn't she Sweet,, just like you are to me Girlfriends..
She is and also as sweet as these must be
well, EXCEPT for the calories that is ,,come to think of it,, in this marvelous Sistership we have in Christ,, there are NO calories,,well,, unless you are eating while typing ??? ;0))

Wishing You All a SWEET and Blessed by HIM~~~Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ~~~
A BLESSED PINK Saturday and Sunday too,, and
THANK YOU for sharing your time with me
Hugs Dena

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Just A Note to Say~~~

That even though we may be miles apart,,I hold each and everyone of YOU dear to my heart!!! And as ALWAYS~~~Praising Him~~~ Our Savior,, for each of YOU,, my Sweet Sisters in Christ,, my blogging Sisiters that God soooooo BLESSED me,,
Lil old me in Iowa with. And I thank You all for the kind,, touching notes to my Mom and to Pete on there Birthdays..

You Sweet Friends have added so much to my life~~~God has planted You in the garden of my life and its ever more blooming now ~~~

Hugs and Love With God's blessings from above~~~Dena

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Woooooohooooo~~~Rednesday and My Mom's 80th Birthday Too!!!

Cherry World 1

Do check out Sue @ Its a Very Cherry World and join in with the fun and meeting others at the same time....Go RED!!!


God has sure blessed you in all your 80 years!!!

Praisng Our Sweet Jesus that she is still here with us ,,,she's been through some blessed times and a few bumps along the way..

This Mom, Kent and I taken on Mothers Day this year at her little house she calls it..Hey everyone,,there is RED in the red white and blue decorator flag she has on her chair :0)
I hope to get a nicer pic of her tonight when we have her joining us for her Birthday Supper.
Its going to be a Potato Bake Bar thing..The men folk here LOVE them..Wooohoooo for me,, they're sooo easy to make and its takes quite a few to feed this crew,,even more so when they get home from football practice.. ;0)

One more with out RED Sweet Friends because I wanted to let her know~~~ I LOVE You Mommy and HAPPY 80th BIRTHDAY too..
Just found this one of Mom,,it is soooo mcuh nicer ,,taken on Easter of this year.. Not sure why she was in Black as its a Joyous and Glorious Holiday..

Just had to add this in for some more RED,,Kent and I love the Charlie Brown images for this time of year!!! Its such a Autumny look,,my favorite time of year BTW :0)

And I just couldn't resist another snap of Cassie our Grand daughter in one of our RED chairs and check out the Peanuts cover on the chair too!!!

Thanks sooooo much for letting me share with all of you in my Moms Birthday Celebration!!!
Love Hugs and Blessings Dena

Sunday, September 19, 2010

"All Things Blue From Me To You"

Greetings Everyone,,so HaPpY you have stopped by!!!
Hop on over to Sally's Smiling Sally blog for some BLUE fun today!!!
Thanks Sally for being such a gracious host...

This may appear odd, but I thought it was Beautiful.. Not the cheesy Palm Tree with Christmas lights on it Girlfriends ( yes,, we do have one on our deck because I do miss the real ones in my old home state of So. Cali) but if you look just right in the angle you will see that one of God's lil creations called
the Spider has made a web up in the branch..
Amazing they are.. No,, not the Spider,, the web ;0)

This is a pic of a sign that will help identify the next photo :0) please note that it is BLUE in honor of the day..

Super Hubb's and I pass this BLUE motel by each time we deliver cards in the small town of~~~ Osceola Iowa.. For quite a few trips I always tell him,,ahhhh,, I should have had the camera out to snap that motel for a BLUE Monday..
So this last business trip I did just that.. In fact Super~Hubb's parked in a lot across from it just for this post .. Too bad the angel isn't very good.

Isn't this a Glorious photo of Gods Beautiful BLUE sky... We were at our sons football game and Praise the Lord,,it was NOT raining this time.. We were soaked last week and sadly,, they lost..
There uniforms are black and orange or I would show our 2 football sons..
They sure look nice in the uniforms,, and keep trying to win ..
We just tell everyone that its the new coaches 1st year with the team ..
God has blessed them with 1 win though....Honestly,,, Super~Hubb's and I prayed at the very end of the game and there team won by 1 point!!!

That will be all for this week and I Thank You all so much for your inspiring comments...May God's blessings be poured out on you as you follow Him in your new week~~~HaPpY BLUE Monday~~~Hugs Dena

Friday, September 17, 2010

"PINK Saturday Happiness"

Hello Sweet Friends,,I'm joining Bev at her wonderful blog "How Sweet The Sound"
Stop by her beautiful blog and join in the fun with her!!!

This past Monday we have our grand kids after school,, in fact we are the school bus so to speak ;0)... Cassie was in PINK,, she usually is after all,, its her FaVoRiTe color and I told her,,stand right here for Grams so I can get your picture in your PINK shirt with the funny bird on it.. Of course ,,, she was HaPpY to...

Her she is again with her baby doll and its PINK blanket...

Now for my other ideas on this post guess I'm unsure.. It seems I write too much sometimes or that I just don't have the right things to take pics of for every ones enjoyment.. Most of you wonderful women in PINK blogland have soooo many pretty things to show all of us.. It is just great to stop iin at your posts !!!
I better be looking into acquiring more nic~nack for our home that are PINK and then there is Rednesday too,,plus BLUE Monday..
Wow,, blue is soo much easier to come up with.. Guess I'll drop some hints to my Super~Hubb's for more PINK and RED Pretties to decorate with ;0)

In the mean time Girlfriends,, here is another of our PINK roses for you to enjoy.
This was taken before the bugs started there ravenous
rampage on the leaves :0(
Super~Hubb's took care of those pesky things (the rose bugs) without a moment to spare..

Oh my goodness,, this funny Tater just happened to show himself as I was going thru our Disneyland pics from last summer,, hunting for all things PINK..
Can you see the Huge PINK ears??? This was the Toy Story ride at Disney's Adventure Park,, just across from Disneyland sort of.. Super~Hubb's and I soooo enjoyed the ride Toy Story,, and this Mr Potato head will talk to people as they wait in the LONG line for the ride.. Its funny!!!

Thanks Sweet Friends for visiting my post and leaving me your notes,,they are such a Blessing to my heart.. Huggggggggggggggggggg and LOVE~~~Dena
Enjoy your PINK SATURDAY and Have A Blessed Sunday in Him~~~
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"Wishes From The Heart~~~ And A Happy Birthday Too "

First Thing to show and tell everyone~~~
Its my oldest sons BIRTHDAY~~
Its on the 16th of September,,
my baby boy will is 31 !!!
Wow it just seems like last night that I was getting up to feed and burp him ;0)
Now he is all grown up by the Grace of God and working to be in management at Hardees in Nebraska..
Kent and I are sooooo proud of you son ,,more than words can ever say...
Your Father and Grandpa are too,,I'm sure!!!
Here is Pete way back ~~~

Pete and Jenny~~~ he was 2 1/2 years old and,, she was close to 1 yr..
He is now 31 and she is 28....No wonder I'm showing my age ;0)
Plus,, lets not forget our 3 wonderful boys that we're still trying to raise up the right way that are here at home... See,, that is why I'm aging sooooo fast ;0)
I LOVE YOU #1 Son~~~Happy Birthday with LOVE and Hugs~~~ Mommy!!!

Joining in with the fun of Rednesday with Sue
Thanks for hosting Sweetie

Cherry World 1

"Queen Greta The Fabulous Sno~Lady"

Above is a Sno~Lady that was created for a very Special Friend that God has blessed me in knowing through emails..
She has grown very dear to my heart..We were not aware that God would bring us together as friends when she wrote requesting some ( lots :0) of our greeting cards.

Shes a very encouraging woman that lives out west, a wonderful woman of God that is always inspiring and is sooo thoughtful in sending me neat "God Notes" I will call them,, to my email even in her busy days being the worship leader at her church..
Giving her all to our Sweet Lord and many others there I'm sure.
We have never meant as yet,,but I soooo am enjoying being blessed
by God with her friendship.. I truly enjoy reading her memories she shares about her late husband and all of her family...Love you Greta and all your notes..

She was kind enough to let me share this email from her with all of You,, my Sweet Girlfriends~~~Sisters in Christ.. Just yesterday I had told her I was a bit down in one of my emails I'd sent,, and that I wasn't sure why..So she surprised me last night about 9:30 Iowa time with,, these beautiful images and words from
a short,,but moving story...
Its a good easy read and I asked her if I could share it and the Sno~Queen with you.
Just as with her and I~~~ this goes for all of you too~~~
We may never meet here on this earth but one day we will meet in Heaven with
Our Sweet Jesus in the midst of us

And here it is just below these THANK YOUs meant With all My Heart

Love You and Thanks go to~~~ Patti @ PJs Prayerline and Jacki @ Christie's Cottage,,, and Lisa Shaw @ Sharing Life with Lisa,,and Mary @ A Splendid Adventure,,
Debby @ Just Breathe,, and Barbie @ My Freshly Brewed Life and,, Debbie @ From Debbies Heart,, Marice @ Life Can't Wait,, Tammi @ A Vessel in The Potter's Hand,,
Mimi @ He & Me + 3,, Karen @ Hallelujah Anyhow,,Sue@Sue Loves Cherries,, Tiffany @ Tea With Tiffany and
Sherry @ Country Wings in Phoenix...OMGosh there is also Debbie @ Heart Choices..
You are all such inspirations to soooo many..
There are just sooooo many Awesome Women of God that He just Amazes me just how He brings these Sisters in Christ into our lives... WOW,,, I'm forever Praising Him!!!

May God's blessings be all over you and yours~~~Hugs Dena

Sunday, September 12, 2010

"Blue Monday Silliness"

Hop on over to Sally's Smiling Sally blog for some BLUE fun today!!!

Surprise Girlfriends~~~for my BLUE Monday fun will be simply this~~~ Going to as many of Your BLUE Posts as possible ~~~

May God's blessings be all over you and yours this week ~~~Hugs Dena

Big Hugs

Saturday, September 11, 2010

PINK Saturday~~~"In Memory Of Each Tear that Has Fallen Since ~~~ 9-11-01"

Hello Sweet Friends,,I'm joining Bev at her wonderful blog "How Sweet The Sound"
for the special and in memory of "9-11" Pink Saturday~~~

In memory of every tear that has fallen since and,, for all the lives it took and affected on September 11, 2001 when the awful tragedy took place...

The Almighty God has the whole world in His hands~~~God He was,,God He is,,God He is always going to be~~~
Abide in Him Amen

~~~"Set your mind on things above"~~~Colossians 3:2

Monday, September 6, 2010

Reminded of Some Blessings

This is Kent and I taken a year or so ago. It was his first time to step onto a beach and feel the sand in his toes and to be able to smell the salty sea air and to truly witness the Majesty of God's Amazing Ocean.. We were at a beach in So. Cal where I am from and Kent was so stunned by the size and sounds of the Ocean.. In fact it was so stunning to him he was afraid.. He had never seen anything like it he'd said... It truly is just some of Gods majesty.. And it was such a GREAT experience to watch Kents face ,,he told me that the sight of all the water was almost overwhelming to him...
The reason I post this is to share that just today we were reminded of just how,,when you close your eyes,,((or I suppose you can even hear it if you leave your eyes open too)),, and the breeze through the trees sounds just like the waves as they come in to touch the sand.. It is really quite astounding..

So much so that when it is actually windy gusts,,, as it goes swiftly rustling through the trees can even sound like larger waves coming in..
Kent and I just think it is yet another of God's miracles and we don't even have to be at the Ocean to hear it.. And thta another blessing in itself,,as we are not able to get back home very often to walk on the beach of course.
You too can hear it the next time you may have a quite moment out relaxing with trees near you.. I can even hear it through the windows..

Its a Joy and a Blessing from Our God most high,,, and I wanted to share in it with all of you,,, my Sweet Friends...
You are all Blessings to me and I thank you with all my heart...