Sunday, January 30, 2011

Happily Sharing Some Blue With All Of You!!!

God was decorating with Rainbows through the blowing crystals of snow just the other day, while we were on  a
business trip,,  it was so~~~Glorious

Hello Sally and Everyone,,enjoy a Blessed Day !!!

      Stop by Smiling Sally 's place to and share in the FUN !!!

Here's one just for Sally. Super~Hubb's took this for you Sweet Sis Sally, it was on a different trip to deliver our cards last summer.. Hahahaha, I just came across it again.
Isn't he a cutie!!!

And here is Super~Hubb's again designing a displaty rack at one of our stores where the manager won't allow cardborad displays.   So here is Kent making one for the Boss there.
Praising God that we even have the store to sell from at all, ya know !!!
We're going out again this mid week to check on the stores in the western area of Iowa that  sell our cards.. Praying we keep all the rest of our retailers.
Giving the worries to God of course.

Here is the finished display, set up and filled again with the cards.

And here we are Happily ever after :0)
Its not a very pretty photo but you get the idea..
And why we Praise the LORD for our own Lil' biusiness and for our safe travels.
Super~Hubb's has figured we did aproximately 20 to 30 THOUSAND miles in our travels last year.
 Home again, home again, jiggity jig..
Did I spell that OK???

Dear Lord Jesus,Creator of heaven and earth. Help us to be kind to each other and in so doing, may that kindness continue to grow and reach out to everyone that we may be blessed to know...
In Your name I pray,,,Amen ..
Thanks again Sweet Sisters for simply being YOU...
Love and Hugs Dena

Friday, January 28, 2011

"PINK and Pretty Saturday"

Just looking out at our patio one evening recently.

Happy Blessed PINK Saturday Ladies!!!

Do stop by Beverly and have some fun and make some friends @ How Sweet The Sound
for this weeks Beautiful PINK Saturday!!!

Hope this day of Pinkness finds you all inspired to brighten one anothers day with hope cheery thoughts and a prayer or two, and of course with PINK!!! At a loss here for what to post , in thoughts or in photos..
Like, shouldn't there be a plot or something???
I have no Pretty China, Teapots or flowers blooming just yet.. Not here in these Iowa gardens that is.. And, I've been wondering if others are thinking SPRING or is it just me??? Our weather was GORGEOUS for being in the middle of winter..But still, NO FLOWERS BLOOMING, or planted for that matter.
I will share with you though that I did actually update my Jesus blog and this one alos.. Then of coures there is the NEW art/sketch blog I just opened.. To think of it, I was suppose to be drawing,,ooops again..

From me to each of you!!!

What is it everyone does this time of year to keep there spirits up???
How do the rest of you reflect on God during the winter blahs????
Wow, So many questions..ooops on me.I better stop with the 100 questions ;0)

Blessings Love and Hugs with all my heart~~~Dena

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Updating@My Blogs...

First, I must say a BIG Thank You for all the  Happy Birthday Wishes you left for Super~Hubb's, Mr DreamDoodler!!!

Not only has there been time,well, really there isn't, I'm suppose to be arting these last few days while Super~Hubb's does our taxes,. Anyhooooo's, Did some blog make~overing here and created a new blog that will ONLY have my art displayed. If you want a look see click  the link below..
 Sketches colorings and that in fact HOW it all flows through me
Only because of God... 

But the big deal, I'm soooo excited about is~~~DahDahDahDah~~~
The blog list I added to the left side bar.!!!!!!! Its suppose to be alphabetical?? Why is is NOT right now??
And just in case I forgot any of you my Sweet Sister's PLEASE do let me know,, as it was NOT intentional...I just LOVE LOVE LOVE each and everyone of YOU that my Precious LORD has brought into my heart and life... So I THANK HIM and You for this fact and that will be one way to show it,,right..

Now if only I knew how to incorporate my art blog with this one and the one I use for worship and spiritual Sundays...Ahhh that reminds me,,I need to hop over to get Gingers url too.. On my way,, I'm on a mission
that is NOT impossible...With God as my CEO, NOTHING is Impossible...

Rejoice in the Lord : Philippians 4:4~8

Scripture quotation from the King James Version
By Gail Borgman McGuire ©2006

You're in my heart and prayers Ladies....Blessings and Love from Our Father God above~~~Hugs Dena

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

""Its A Beautiful Rednesday Ladies!!!""

Please know, I did NOT make this delictable Cake..
And it does taste as Fabulous as it looks Ladies!!!
My Daughter Jenny's MiL is the wonderful Baker on that side of the family.
Eileen B.. Thanks sooooo much for this Stunningly Beautiful~Gorgeous
 Black Forest Cake..
Super~Hubb's tells me that it tastes as GREAT as it looks ,,all the boys do!!!
In fact Tommy and Billy may have visions of this cake dancing in there heads ;0)


Cherry World 1

Do check out Sue @ Its a Very Cherry World and join in on Red Day with all of us. Visit some Friends and make some new ones too!!!

Happy Birthday Super~Hubbs!!! This was a photo of the Black Forest Cake we ordered for him for his 51st Birthday Tuesday...
It was a small family celebration and very special...

Sissi just had to get involved too, weaseling her way to the table by Daddy, The Birthday Boy  who has the food ~~~ She is our Lil Miss Piggy I tell you, a regular Lil Moochi Poochi ;0)...

The boys eating and if you look close you'll see my RED lil birds on my coffee mug too, beside my yogurt .. It was a yogurt supper for me since tonight Super~Hubb's and I will have a salad with a movie, and you ask, WHAT is the movie we're going to watch?? It will be "Who shot Liberty Valince" with Jimmy Stewart and John Wayne, or "Open Season 2 " I'm hopeful it'll be the western ...
BTW, see the wires above the windows, its because we decorate the house all up with RED lights for Valentines Season .
He was soooo HaPpY to see His cake and the Snicker Salad !!!

Wow, another NO make~up photo just for my Sister's~~~ Ooops
Like Hun, please NO close ups,,,!!!

The boys had some laughs with Dad and I did the serving and kitchen details.

BLESS You my Sweet Sister's in Red Day Blogisphere, you're Angels from God for reading yet another no make~up post ;0)
Blessing's and Love from The Mighty LORD above~~~Hugssssss and Prayers ~~~Dena

Monday, January 24, 2011

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Super~Hubb's and Many Many More

# 51

Its just me saying ~~~

To my Man~~~my 1 true love~~~Kent "Super~Hubb's"Elwood

So here's an image of what one of the treats will be on his Birthday...
My daughters MiL is like the best (or real close to it that there is), cake baker in this state!!! Her license plate reads "EAT CAKE"...
So we ordered one Special for Super~Hubb's to sink his teeth into Tuesday evening...

There will also be some Snicker Salad.. The men/boys of this house will be in desert heaven... Out of the two deserts for the day, I'm only capable of creating is the latter...
Sure I could have tried the Black Forest Cake bake myself but, what a fiasco that would have been for his BD,,why not get the best ya know, and Praise God !!!

To my Dream Come True Husband that, Our Loving Savior blessed, Lil'Ol me with, when I least expected Him to ~~~ Almost 7 years ago now... And it is a privledge to CELEBRATE another BIRTHDAY with YOU,, and May Our Precious LORD Jesus bless us with many more years to CELEBRATE each day in together...
Of course, all the rest of the Birthday's, Christmas's,
New Years, Anniversary's, Easter's, every one of the Hoilday's.
And well, Winter's, Spring's, Summer's and, Autumn's too!!!

Here's the Chef of Thanksgiving Turkeys and those for Christmas's too :0)

Snicker Salad,, which reminds me to get done with thsi and get to preparing this dish before bed tonight too..Its best when chilled for hours.. And which is best, with pudding in the recipe or without?????????

Lots of LOVE and Big HUGSsssss to each and everyone of you Sweet Sister's...
Keepin you in my heart and prayers, naturally.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

HaPpY BLUE Monday Girls!!!

Greetings Sweet Friends~~~~Click on over to visit Sally at Smiling Sally for another~~~ Super BLUE Monday join in the FUN~~

Its been a rather crazy type of beginning to our new week, it started when we received the new Adobe set CS5 for Super~Hubb's puter.The program my S~i~L purchased for us..
And since we left our Church doors in the early afternoon on Sunday , it just continued, through snow storm and after :0).. It just seems to me Sister's, that when interruptions take place in our day,, you know those that get us of track, that God is checking whether or not we will persevere.. ???
Any thoughts on that???

See,, just to share a bit of our days with you Sweet Sister's.. the Adobe CS5 disc just isn't working in Hubb's puter.. It does in mine and in our laptop, BUT, not his..

((Please note~~ this are NOT our real laptop or puters, ours are NOT BLUE :0)) !!!
Now mind you Ladies, it is the same exact puter as mine, but it just won't read the disc.. Needless to say, I am LOST in that field.. I know I have prayed lots.. Then the idea came to Hubb's and he tried one more new thing with it,, and get this, it worked, read the disc BUT that's it. It just stopped there. We sooo needed it to work for the new venture.. This may also be another lesson in patience and God's timing too :0)
So here I am typing my lil fingers out,, oops, I should say, chicken pecking away at this keyboard here, pondering what to do that is

In the mean time, He is being Super~Dad now and helping our 18 with some heavy duty math troubles..
So I'm thinking how about CUPCAKES that are of course~~~BLUE!!! And just so you know, I did NOT make these next treats..

Aren't they sooo PRETTY and of course~~~BLUE too!!!

And just as it says above in the sweet little image,,from my heart to yours,you're all in my thoughts and prayers Sister's...
Blessings and Love for Our Precious LORD above~~~Hugs Dena

Friday, January 21, 2011

PINK Saturday HaPpInEsS Sweet Sister's !!!

Sweet Sister's, this PINK Day is about each of YOU and my thankful heart~~~

Do stop by Beverly's , have some fun and make some friends and visit some old one's too @
How Sweet The Sound for this weeks Beautiful PINK Saturday!!!

Last week I posted my PINK so late that not many came to visit..Or, I'm praying that was the reason anyway ;0).
This week it may be the same but posting I will do since I have sooooo very many of YOU to thank and give a PRAISE report , to any of you that are curious on how things are going in our greeting card business and in our lives...
But, first off, I just have to ask>>>
HOW, How do some of you get to Beverly's to post sooooo early??? WOW!!!
To get there in time for making it in the top 20 or, hahaha, even the top 50 would be nothing short of miraculous ;0)...
Kudos to all of you that make it there so FAST!!! Is that word even used anymore????

This is going to be longish so,, grab a cup of coffee, tea, or hot cocoa as I'm going to share about what Sistership ( You Ladies) and PRAYERS can/will do even for a small business like ours here in Iowa.. If God will do that for us then,
Just Imagine What He will do for those who call on Him,,yes!!!

A week or so ago I came to you with concern about our business and asked for prayers.. You were all so kind, thoughtful and gave some heartwarming comments...
So this is to say THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH !!!
Super~Hubb's and I have since been blessed by not only all of your heartfelt prayers, but also by God blessing us encouragements from Special Sister's to me..
One being Donnie from "New Blessing's Everyday".. I LOVE ya Sis !!!
Magpie (Sheila) of course from The Quintessential Magpie And Jackie from Christie Cottage.. , Debby @ Just Breathe, Charlotte @ Charlotte's Weblog, Terri @ Morning Dewdrops... You are soooooo thoughtful,kind and
helpful... I am truly BLESSED knowing each of YOU..I just love you Sister's!!!
Sally @ Smiling Sally,, wow I could just go on and on :0) there has been soooooo much encouragement from each of you...

The Lord has been hearing your prayers and blessing us and throughout the next few post's I'll try to share some of the things He has worked out for us.. One HUGE thing was during our business trip yesterday at one of the stores we have one of our greeting card displays at..

This is "Humphrey" btw

And before that, was last Tuesday, a call from my Sister-in-Law in California who is now a backer to help a new online business venture that has to do with our Greeting Card Website exsisting and another one that will coinside with it.. Of course Super~Hubb's has some major studying and work to do before any more will happen, after we receive the new CS5 that Kathy ( My SInL) has just purchased for the actual DDWG to coninue.. That stands for the new " Dream Doodler's Web Gems "
We are going to expand into so many more things to offer than just greeting cards..Now this will NOT be an over night thing, and importantly it is all in God's timing. Just as it was on our last BT. just by His hand we ran into my old boss who first gave me the chance years ago to sell my cards from a big store.
Rememer I was so wonndering IF God still wantedd us to continue with our small business???? Well, after talking with my old x boss, who is now one of the Boss's of the chain of stores we sell from,, well, WOW, God was sure sending Super~Hubb;'s and I a BIG message through this man.
So as you read here,, PRAYERS are always needed for not only Us here in "Dream Doodler Cottage" but we all could use a few prayers now and again,, right Sister's.. So please let us know if any of you have any prayer requests. It would be our privilege. Kent and I pray together each morning and each night... So do not hestitate in letting me know..

When I figue out how to explain the new business endeavor better I will. It is so very exciting to have a backer to start off with for it though.. And it was all her idea.. And get this Sister's, she divorced my brother like, 29 years ago but, she and I have still kept intouch and honestly, I've always called her Sis...
We just didn't talk very often really over the years.. She is in California still, where I'm from.. So this was a HUGE Surprise from Our Heavenly Father!!!
I would send her emails here and there. Never spoke to her of our business though.. Just do that with all of you.. Funny how God works things out for His Glory huh!!!

So here in Iowa we are ever Praising God... And Thanking Him for such Sweet MAGNIFICENT Sister's like YOU!!! I treasure each one of you...
You're in my Prayers everyday...
Blessings and Love from Our Precious Lord above~~~Hugs~~~Dena

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Greetings On RED Day Sweet Sister's !!!

It may be difficult to believe but NO, this is not me Sister's ;0) and, sad to say it isn't even my fancy figurine either.. And yes Sue, to reply to your comment, it does look as though she is holding a Remote :0) Hahahahaha

Cherry World 1

Do check out Sue @ Its a Very Cherry World and join in on Red Day with all of us, for Oooodles of FUN and even more RED!!!

Today I was at a loss as to what to post RED... Super~Hubbs and I are working hard in our office. There are so many thoughts, concerns and prayers on my heart, that I had no real plan for RED Day and I also knew this post would be late.

There are not enough or the right words to express my THANKSssss to all of you for your thoughts and prayers for us, our business and home...Just know I'm ALWAYS sooo grateful to each of you ... I'll update everyone soon on what's new and give a Praise report on everything.. Super~Hubb's and I both know just how powerful all of your prayers have been!!! I'm hopeful there will be much to share next time.. myspace graphic comments

For now though Sweet Sister's,,,I pray that you too will get out your most favorite slippers ( no these are not mine, but they are sure cute), and keep on BLOGGING for God and for the Rich and Radiant color of RED!!!

And remember this~~~
You each continue to be in my prayers,,and don't you forget that Sister's~~~
Blessings and Love from Our Precious Savior above
~~~Hugssssss Dena

Sunday, January 16, 2011

BLUE Icicles, Fuzzy Slippers and Hot Cocoa On BLUE Monday #? I Forgot To Keep Track Sister's

Hello Sally and Everyone,, it is my hope you all enjoy a truly, Blessed Day !!!

Stop by Smiling Sally 's place to and share in the FUN !!!

Well BLUE Sister's,,God has blessed us with some beautiful snows here and with that of course comes, Icy Cold Temps too, like tonight after midnight, it is very likely well be receiving freezing rains!!!... So in honor of Him and the beauty of this weather I sat pondering images of BLUE Icicles... So~~~Away I go for some delightfully beautiful images :0)
and some nice Hot Cocoa mugs and such to warm a body good..As I was typing my lil heart out I noticed after posting this that I lost yet another friend/follower, Sister in blogging.. I think that makes 3 or 4 this week alone... How sad... Well, sorry ,If I do not please everyone.. I never mean to offend, just love and care about all of you..

Beautiful isn't it Sister's~~~

God's amazing touch shows in all these photos in the Icicle search last night on the web.


There is just nothing quite like God's brilliant crafting Ladies...

Now this was a special find as Super~Hubb's and I have talked many times of saving up to go,
( that's all it will ever be no doubt ;0) of going back home to California and being there in time to see Disneyland's Christmas decors.. This is the Castle all decked out in Icicles for the celebration..,. WOW!!! Guess it just depends on what God has in the wings for us.. :0)
And honestly, I'd just rather be healthy, happy,in love with my Hubb's and following Christ and
of course, paying the bills we already have.. But, its nice to talk about huh...

Oh my GOSH Ladies,,, these are fabulous aren't they. Too bad they are NOT my BLUE fuzzy slippers though.. Hope and Pray you're all keeping your lil toes all snug as bugs, in fuzzy slipper's this time of year!!!

Looks yummy doesn't it Sister's, found this on Bing images like the others, but its an add for a wonderful looking Market in Long Island called, "Vendara Raviolli" I believe... By the photo I saw, it appeared to be a really whimsical Market for those who live near there that is..

These are rather pretty, but my favorite find on Bing images is below at the end of this post.

Woooohooooo Ladies, its Ovaltine,,,WOW, its been years since I made any of this sweet warm elixir for myself.. Why is that I wonder, as the container states,, "FAT FREE" that sounds like it's for me!!!

I just LOVE this mug,, I would even if it was filled with, warm, inviting, and delicious, french vanilla coffee Sister's . Ahhhhh, my favorite!!!

May God bless you Sweet Sister's and keep you and your precious lil toes warm with His everlasting LOVE~~~

Prayers, Hugs and Love~~~Dena